Mindfulness in Times of Pandemic

What a year… incredibly unexpected and full of challenges for sure. Our world has been faced with a disaster that has affected so many people and lives for quite some time now. The rise in stress, anxiety, and depression is a direct result of the pandemic we are living through right now. As we socially distance, something that is very hard for a lot of people, we should take some time to do some self care. It is by focusing on being mindful and kind to ourselves that we will come out of this more resilient and more at ease. 

Meditation is a way to be mindful. These are so many amazing benefits of meditation! Meditation can reduce stress and/or pain, it can help with sleep problems, it is good for your heart and mind, and is said to help you stay younger. Regardless of what your reasons are to meditate, the most important thing is that you take time for yourself to do something to heal your mind and body.  

The skinny on what it does for your skin though, because we are concerned with skin care:

According to Stacy Conlon from Beauty Heroes, “ Meditating for just a few minutes every day brings energy (also known as prana) into your body and creates a feeling of calm and relaxation. During meditation, prana helps repair your body's tissues and cells…” The physical action of meditating also allows your breath to heal your body providing more oxygen to your skin. 

Here is a free 9-minute meditation to help through these uncertain times. Find a calm and quiet place where you can focus on your breathing and allow your mind to relax.
