Publicaciones etiquetadas mindfulness
Happy New Year!!!!

As we welcome a new calendar year, we reflect on what the past year has brought us. That’s how it goes right? So…. 2020…. How was that? 

For many, last year was a year of learning, of growth, of new experiences, although maybe not the experiences they had envisioned for the year. For others, it was a year of doubt, struggle, anxiety, and loss. But for most, it was a combination of all of this and then some. And, in reflecting about the year, the good and the bad, what can we do but try to move forward with a positive and hopeful attitude and have faith that this new year will bring more stability and health?

Many people make ‘new year resolutions’. We draw up a list of things we want to improve on or things we want to accomplish and then we hopefully get one or two of those things marked off the list before the next year. It’s a fun exercise and definitely a good way to evaluate what you like and dislike in your current situation. Some people make resolutions about their career, some about their health, but mostly it’s a huge combination. 

This year, may we suggest you go through that exercise, but also do one more thing - How about putting together a time capsule? This past year has been truly historic. It is worth memorializing these things and then revisiting them in 20 or 30 years. Here is a link to a free document you can print out and fill out. You can also just write your future self a letter about this time and open it in a few decades. 

Whatever you decide to do, remember this is a time to think about yourself. What can you do to enhance your life? Can you eat healthier? Could you exercise more? Should you incorporate some meditation into your daily routine? What past relationships should you revisit and maybe mend? Whatever you think is a step to a healthier and happier life should make it into your list of resolutions! Happy New Year and may it bring you peace, joy, and health!

Resolutions Template

Time Capsule Template

Self Care... not just for women

This month, we have focused on men’s health, and the best way to stay healthy is to be proactive in our health! Our current world is one that is very stressful, high paced, and very unforgiving when it comes to taking time for ourselves. Slowly, people have realized that adding self care to one's routine is essential in preserving your health and sanity. That goes for you guys!

Most of us have read articles and seen videos of how women can practice self care. There are pre-made mail order boxes you can send to someone or simply buy a subscription for yourself in order to ‘pamper yourself’. But what about men? Is it different? Do they need a different set of ‘self care’ routines? 

Well…. It depends! We are not a gender but a person - not all girls like pink and dolls, not all boys love contact sports and muscle cars, so, it’s not a one size fits all for anyone. That said, we have some ideas that we think you might enjoy doing!

  1. Take a hike! Yes! Take a hike! The outdoors is a wonderful way to reconnect with yourself and to take time out of a fast paced society to breathe! Pack a lunch and eat out while you’re surrounded by nature!

  2. Go fishing. Whether you’re sitting on a boat enjoying the silence all around you or you’re in the middle of a river fly fishing, it is another great way to connect with nature.

  3. Take a long shower or a hot bath. Most human beings can benefit from this self care ritual. Get bubbles, a bath bomb, or simply some epsom salts to help your muscles relax.

  4. Go through your closet and purge. Getting rid of clothes you don’t wear is a great way to feel great. Clutter is never a good thing and the feelings that come when you have decluttered and reorganized are peaceful and fulfilling ones. 

  5. Do some physical exercise. Yoga is a great way to exercise while still being mindful and experiencing your breath in a different way. Weight lifting, running, biking, or boxing is another great way to release endorphins. 

  6. Read a book. Put down your phone… better yet, put it away for a whole day, take a book, and read. Devour a book in a day! Keep all screens off and just go print for a day!

Whatever you decide to do, take the time and do it. It is easy for us to put off self care, but self care and taking that time off is what keeps us healthy, in mind, spirit, and body. 

Welcome Fall

September is a month full of wonderful celebrations, Fall Equinox being one of them. We are now ¾ of the way through this year! To some it has seemed like time has gone by too slow, to others it seems the year has flown by. Fall brings with it a change in weather, in colors, and in our way of thinking of things as well. We are nearing the end of a year and we try to tie up loose ends before Winter rolls around and we say goodbye to another year. Shorter days means less sunlight and colder weather usually brings about more dryness. 

With this in mind, remember to:

  1. Keep up with your sunscreen. Just because there is less daylight, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t protect our skin while we are outside. 

  2. Remind yourself to moisturize daily in order to avoid the cold, dry weather from taking a toll on your skin. Treat your whole body to moisture. Sometimes we forget to pay attention to our arms, hands, legs, etc. when it is dry out and you can end up with dry, ashy skin.

  3. This month, make sure to add a tube of chapstick to your bag and use it often. Our lips are one thing we sometimes forget to moisturize. We recommend sticking to organic products because your skin absorbs everything it comes in contact with. Keep it clean and your body will thank you.

September is also when we celebrate World Heart Day. In our articles we try to provide you with healthy recipes and healthy exercises for our physical health as well as Mindfulness exercises for your emotional health. September 29 is World Heart Day and we encourage you to do something good for your heart, physically and emotionally. Here’s a fun activity that focuses on heart health. Give yourself some ‘adulting points’ for a full Bingo!

Tension... the kind you want

Who likes tension? It depends. What kind of tension are we talking about? Lately there’s a lot of tension, meaning stress, due to the ongoing state of health in the world, this pandemic, global warming, etc. That kind of tension is the one that negatively affects our body, inside and out. But, did you know there is a good kind of tension? Yosep’s Enchanted 15 Day Treatment has a Tension Ampoule, used on days 6 and 12 of the treatment, that helps your skin combat the bad kind of tension.

This ampoule has two active ingredients:

  • Oat Grain Extract: Generates a film with an immediate lifting effect and long-lasting anti-wrinkle effect. It is recommended for all makeup and skin care products for its immediate aesthetic benefits.

  • Orange Extract: Antioxidant.

These two ingredients help your skin become tighter - which is the good kind of tension. When you have a lot of stress, your body responds by producing cortisol and destroying collagen. The first, cortisol, produced in excess can result in oily skin, extra weight, and several other unpleasant body changes. The second, collagen, is needed by your skin to stay healthy and beautiful, so when it is depleted due to stress, your skin will not look as young, radiant, or wrinkle-free.

We believe our skin products are amazing, otherwise we wouldn’t use them ourselves! We know that your skin will see a complete transformation after using Yosep’s line of carefully crafted skincare products. That said, we also believe that a sound body and sound mind, are crucial in maintaining the health of your entire body, skin included. This is why we love Mindfulness exercises. Tension, the bad kind, can be reduced through Mindfulness exercises. Try the exercise below once a day and see if you feel less stressed!

Nutrient and Protective Ampoules

The ingredients in all of Yosep’s products are carefully curated to make sure you have everything you need and nothing that you don’t. One of the ampoules we want to present today, the Protective Ampoule, has only two active ingredients. You don’t need a million ingredients to achieve a positive result and this is what Yosep is all about. All the goodness of natural ingredients without nonessentials. Days 2 & 8 and days 3 & 9 of the Enchanted 15 Day Treatment use the Nutrient and Protective Ampoules.

Nutrient Ampoule (Days 2 & 8):

  • Sodium Hyaluronate: Hydraulic acid is a polysaccharide, a natural component of the dermis, whose main function is to collect water, thus regulating the level of hydration and maintaining the skin structure.

  • Hydrolyzed Collagen: Improves the elasticity of the skin. Increases moisture retention. Provides a silky smooth appearance to the skin and reduces irritation and cracking caused by soaps.

  • Sodium PCA: Naturally moisturizes the epidermis, helping to provide softness and smoothness to dry, wrinkled or cracked skin.

  • Biosaccharide Gum-1: Polysaccharide with a high content of fucose, galactose and galacturonic acid that provide powerful hydration even to the most sensitive skin. It has restructuring and anti-aging properties, since it increases cell longevity thanks to the stimulation of sirtuins-1.

Protective Ampoule (Days 3 & 9):

  • Hydrolyzed Collagen: Provides smoothness and firmness to the skin. Improves the elasticity of the skin. Increases moisture retention and strengthens tissues. Provides a smooth and silky appearance to the skin.

  • Albumin: Tensor effect and filmogenic capacity, which prevents transepidermal water loss.

The Nutrient Ampoule’s ingredients focus on hydration, moisture and moisture retention while the Protective Ampoule’s ingredients also focus on hydration and moisture retention. These ingredients, which focus on your body’s water intake, lead us into our Mindfulness idea for the week - Mindfulness Through Art! Here are two printable mindfulness coloring pages with images of waves. Get as creative as you want - water is not always blue - it is whatever color you mind and soul perceive it is right now. Remember to clear your mind and think of your body hydrating and being at peace while you work on your art. Click on the image to download a PDF.

B12, A, and E - Three Great Vitamins for Your Skin

Our bodies are in constant need of nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are constantly consumed by our body to help maintain this magnificent machine working. Some people diligently take a vitamin supplement while others rely on a cautiously laid out balanced diet to provide all the vitamins they need. Sometimes people do both.

Our skin also benefits from vitamin boosts. Yosep’s Vitamin Ampoule not only has our blend of Hydrating Plants Extract and Desensitizing Plants Extracts, it also has some very important vitamins that our skin needs to retain moisture, regenerate, and protect itself from environmental factors. 

Our Vitamin Ampoule has Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. These vitamins, applied directly to the skin, through this ampoule, provide a very important and usually much needed supplement.

  • Vitamin B12: Reduces inflammation. Improves balance, texture and moisture retention in the skin.

  • Vitamin A: Can regenerate UV damaged skin to some degree. It improves the natural functions of the skin and is especially suitable for the care of aging.

  • Vitamin E: Contains antioxidant properties and protects against oxidative stress.

It is not the same to eat foods high in these vitamins than to apply skin products specifically made with these vitamins. That said, because we are focusing on these ingredients, we want to make sure you can include these in your diet as well, here are some helpful images that have foods high in Vitamins B12, A, and E. Because Vitamin B12 is usually found in meat proteins, we have also included an image with foods high in B12 specifically made for a vegetarian diet. Incorporating vitamins through food is a great way to stay healthy. As always, please consult your primary care physician before making any big changes to your diet.

Water Is Life

Hydration is the key to staying healthy. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day helps maintain your body well hydrated and improves your overall health. Sometimes it’s hard to remember to drink enough water. A good way to make sure you get enough H2O is to carry a bottle of water. We love the environment so we suggest a reusable bottle. You can get a fancy one for very little that will keep your water nice and cool for hours!

Our face, like the rest of our body, needs moisture. One of the ampoules in Yosep’s Enchanted 15 Day Treatment is a Hydrating Ampoule used on days 1 and 7 of the 15 day treatment. The four active ingredients in this ampoule are:

  • Witch Hazel Extract: Contains antioxidant properties and helps with the treatment of aging and wrinkles.

  • Hydrating Plants Extract: Combination of English Ivy, Arnica Montana, Elderberry, Mallow, Largeleaf Linden, Cucumber, and Lichwort. Helps regulate transepidermal water loss. Hydrates, decongests and has anti-aging properties.

  • Desensitizing Plants Extract: Combination of St. John’s Wort, Chamomile, Calendula, Largeleaf Linden, and Cornflower. It improves the comfort of the skin and regulates the hydric balance of the skin.

  • Amniotic Fluid: Contains moisturizing and emollient properties due to its high protein and amino acid content. It has a biostimulant and trophic effect. Helps to repair the stratum corneum.

Starting the Enchanted 15 Day Treatment with the Hydrating Ampoule allows your skin to get some great moisture to begin its transformation. The plants used in both the Hydrating Plants Extract and the Desensitizing Plants Extract are known for their amazing healing properties.

To practice mindfulness this week, find a good water bottle and try to hydrate daily. It is a simple thing we can do to improve our health. If you need to keep track of your daily water consumption, here’s a nice chart.  

Tracker Source:

Developing Mindfulness with Vision Boards

2020 has really been a year full of unexpected plans, or more like change of plans. There have been quite a few jokes about a calendar being the most useless item bought this year because we have had to reschedule so many things. It can be hard, of course, because unexpected changes or transitions can cause stress. That said, developing more flexibility when it comes to expectations and plans can help minimize stress.

Every month we like to dedicate a week to an article that discusses social good and/or mindfulness. This week we want to talk about vision boards and how they can help you minimize stress.

A vision board is exactly that - a collage board you make that shows what the vision of your future is like. When you’re making a vision board, you can take any kind of approach that feels comfortable to you. You can include things that motivate you, things you want to achieve, books you want to read, classes you want to take, habits you want to curve or develop. 

“A vision board is a creative process to set clear intentions and goals for what you want in your life, so you can grow and transform yourself.” 

 (Source: Louise Bartlett)

Vision boards are a form of art therapy. They involve a person intentionally envisioning what they want. You have to think about it, sketch it out, find the right images or words that speak to what you want, and then display it in a place where you can remind yourself daily of the amazing things you have planned for your life. As we start the second half of 2020, even though there is so much uncertainty, think of what it is that you want to achieve. Start simple. Maybe you want to read a new book, or listen to a podcast. You might want to start a yoga or meditation routine. If you are in school or have school aged children and the year is still uncertain, what do you want to see yourself accomplish through that time to help you with your physical, mental, and emotional state? You can always add on to your board, or maybe you decide you need to take something off. Remember, this is YOUR vision!

“This year, as I work in my garden here, I have included in my vision board, a big one - skin care! I make sure I wear sunscreen when I go out, wear a hat, and if possible, because sometimes the heat gets the best of me, wear a long sleeved shirt. At night I wash my face and moisturize before bedtime. It is part of me realizing that I have neglected my skin for way too long but it is never too late to pay more attention to it!”

(N.S. - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)

What will you include in your vision board? This week on our social media outlets we will post pictures of different vision boards to remind you to work on yours. Go over and show us what you have in yours. Your creative process may help someone else more than you know!

Image Sources: ; ; ;

Let It Grow!

These last few months, we’ve seen an increase in people taking up gardening. With a pandemic going on, more people find themselves wanting to take control of their food supply and are starting a small home garden to avoid potential food insecurity. It comes as no surprise to some of us because, if you garden, you are aware of the many benefits it provides. 

There are many studies regarding the effects of gardening on physical and mental health and they have proven to better the quality of life of those who routinely garden. This is a snapshot of what gardening does and why:

  • Reduces Stress - after a stressful event or day, gardening for 30 minutes can reduce your stress level. 

  • Improves Mental Health - several studies concluded that gardening lowered the risk of dementia, improved symptoms of depression, and improved general mood. Gardening also gives some people a healthy social connection as they talk to other gardeners about methods used and plants grown.

  • Improves Physical Health - this low impact physical activity keeps your moving, using your hands, and breathing at a good rate. Having fresh fruits and vegetables available increases your intake of these foods and improves your diet.

  • Improves Longevity - several studies showed a direct correlation between gardening and longevity. 

Research points to the idea that gardening, as a hobby, and in some cases as a career, improves the quality of life as people age. Gardening as therapy, known as Horticulture Therapy, has seen a rise in the past years as people are prescribed ‘walks through nature’ and ‘getting their hands dirty’ to improve their mood. The exposure to sunshine, fresh air, and being surrounded by the sights, smells and sounds of nature all contribute to the many benefits that gardening has to offer. 

Gardening is an easy task to take on, although it can look overwhelming. Below are some pictures of different types of gardens you can start. Depending on your time constraints and the space you have to work with, you can find an option to fit your needs, from a small window sill herb planter to a larger square foot garden. If you are new to gardening, you can buy starter plants. Once you have spent time gardening, you dive into starting your own seeds for larger vegetables. There are a plethora of sites offering guides and videos to help you dive into this new adventure. Try it - you won’t regret it!

Mindfulness in Times of Pandemic

What a year… incredibly unexpected and full of challenges for sure. Our world has been faced with a disaster that has affected so many people and lives for quite some time now. The rise in stress, anxiety, and depression is a direct result of the pandemic we are living through right now. As we socially distance, something that is very hard for a lot of people, we should take some time to do some self care. It is by focusing on being mindful and kind to ourselves that we will come out of this more resilient and more at ease. 

Meditation is a way to be mindful. These are so many amazing benefits of meditation! Meditation can reduce stress and/or pain, it can help with sleep problems, it is good for your heart and mind, and is said to help you stay younger. Regardless of what your reasons are to meditate, the most important thing is that you take time for yourself to do something to heal your mind and body.  

The skinny on what it does for your skin though, because we are concerned with skin care:

According to Stacy Conlon from Beauty Heroes, “ Meditating for just a few minutes every day brings energy (also known as prana) into your body and creates a feeling of calm and relaxation. During meditation, prana helps repair your body's tissues and cells…” The physical action of meditating also allows your breath to heal your body providing more oxygen to your skin. 

Here is a free 9-minute meditation to help through these uncertain times. Find a calm and quiet place where you can focus on your breathing and allow your mind to relax.