Publicaciones etiquetadas health
Happy New Year!!!!

As we welcome a new calendar year, we reflect on what the past year has brought us. That’s how it goes right? So…. 2020…. How was that? 

For many, last year was a year of learning, of growth, of new experiences, although maybe not the experiences they had envisioned for the year. For others, it was a year of doubt, struggle, anxiety, and loss. But for most, it was a combination of all of this and then some. And, in reflecting about the year, the good and the bad, what can we do but try to move forward with a positive and hopeful attitude and have faith that this new year will bring more stability and health?

Many people make ‘new year resolutions’. We draw up a list of things we want to improve on or things we want to accomplish and then we hopefully get one or two of those things marked off the list before the next year. It’s a fun exercise and definitely a good way to evaluate what you like and dislike in your current situation. Some people make resolutions about their career, some about their health, but mostly it’s a huge combination. 

This year, may we suggest you go through that exercise, but also do one more thing - How about putting together a time capsule? This past year has been truly historic. It is worth memorializing these things and then revisiting them in 20 or 30 years. Here is a link to a free document you can print out and fill out. You can also just write your future self a letter about this time and open it in a few decades. 

Whatever you decide to do, remember this is a time to think about yourself. What can you do to enhance your life? Can you eat healthier? Could you exercise more? Should you incorporate some meditation into your daily routine? What past relationships should you revisit and maybe mend? Whatever you think is a step to a healthier and happier life should make it into your list of resolutions! Happy New Year and may it bring you peace, joy, and health!

Resolutions Template

Time Capsule Template

Never Enough Vitamin D

Have you had your Vitamin D levels tested lately? How were they? If they were low, don’t feel bad… Most people are deficient in Vitamin D. Even people that work diligently to keep their Vitamin D levels at a normal range have a hard time achieving that. But why?

As a society, we spend more time indoors. Imagine times when people had to work the land outside all day, when we herded livestock and fished and grew our own food. Back then, people were soaking up the sunshine most of the day. Today, a lot of us work indoors and we protect ourselves from the harmful UV rays. So, it is a catch 22: protect yourself from harmful UV rays but be Vitamin D deficient. How can we be healthy on both ends of that spectrum, especially during the winter time when our days are shorter? Easy, eat healthy!

We are what we eat. We’ve mentioned this before. You can increase your Vitamin D levels by consuming foods that are higher in Vitamin D. 

Here is a handy list of foods that are rich in Vitamin D:

  • Eggs: 1 large egg contains about 40 IU of vitamin D

  • Yogurt: 6 oz. contains about 20% of your necessary daily intake of Vitamin D.

  • Seafood: Fresh fish, caviar/roe, eel, and cod liver oil are all good sources Vitamin D.

  • Meats & Fats: Beef liver, pork, pork fat, and duck fat are all good sources of Vitamin D. 

Vegan Options:

  • Fortified Tofu: Check labeling to see if it is fortified. 

  • Mushrooms: This one is tricky and interesting. When grown under UV lights, mushrooms can absorb that UV and that will make them high in Vitamin D. So, in order to ensure you are getting the Vitamin D benefits, you need to know how the mushrooms were grown. If grown under UV lights, 3 oz. of mushrooms can contain about 400 IU of Vitamin D.

  • Orange Juice: Fortified orange juice (must check the label) can give you about 20% of your necessary daily intake of Vitamin D. One cup of fortified orange juice contains about 100 IU of vitamin D.

If you have a hard time adding these foods to your diet, modern science has also been kind enough to make Vitamin D supplements that are easy to take. 

As with any dietary or lifestyle change, you should always consult your primary physician before altering your diet or taking any supplements. They will be able to test your Vitamin D levels and recommend the appropriate path for you. And hey, maybe you are one of those few lucky people that have normal levels of Vitamin D!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

“Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the breast.”

National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Any person, whether they know it or not, has probably come in contact with at least one woman who has had breast cancer.

 “Every year, breast cancer kills more than 500,000 women around the world.” 

World Health Organization

And, although it is not as common, some of you may even know men who have had breast cancer. As I write this, I remember a young neighbor we had a little over 10 years ago. It was the first time I had ever heard of breast cancer in men. I must confess I didn’t know what to think of it at first. How can that happen? We always seem to associate that kind of cancer with women right? This man was young, in his late 20s / early 30s. He had already been through it once before and a few months after we met, he had a recurrence, which is the term for when a cancer that has been in remission comes back. Although it had been years since we had moved from that house, I ended up ‘googling’ him last year and sadly found out he had passed away. It was so shocking that it made me really think of how important early detection and immediate treatment is. Cancer does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, socio-economic status or geographical location. 

So, what can you do? You can remember to listen to your body! Remember to have a yearly physical and have your breast checked for abnormalities. Sometimes it’s easy for you to detect it because you know your body best. Other times we’re not quite sure what we’re looking for. Here are a couple of resources to help out: 

This site has several sections for breast cancer education including a free E-book: Breast Problems That Aren’t Breast Cancer.

In this section of the Susan G. Komen website, you can read about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

This page in the Susan G. Komen website has some information about breast cancer risks for men.

Remember: Stay active, stay healthy, be proactive about your care!

Welcome Fall

September is a month full of wonderful celebrations, Fall Equinox being one of them. We are now ¾ of the way through this year! To some it has seemed like time has gone by too slow, to others it seems the year has flown by. Fall brings with it a change in weather, in colors, and in our way of thinking of things as well. We are nearing the end of a year and we try to tie up loose ends before Winter rolls around and we say goodbye to another year. Shorter days means less sunlight and colder weather usually brings about more dryness. 

With this in mind, remember to:

  1. Keep up with your sunscreen. Just because there is less daylight, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t protect our skin while we are outside. 

  2. Remind yourself to moisturize daily in order to avoid the cold, dry weather from taking a toll on your skin. Treat your whole body to moisture. Sometimes we forget to pay attention to our arms, hands, legs, etc. when it is dry out and you can end up with dry, ashy skin.

  3. This month, make sure to add a tube of chapstick to your bag and use it often. Our lips are one thing we sometimes forget to moisturize. We recommend sticking to organic products because your skin absorbs everything it comes in contact with. Keep it clean and your body will thank you.

September is also when we celebrate World Heart Day. In our articles we try to provide you with healthy recipes and healthy exercises for our physical health as well as Mindfulness exercises for your emotional health. September 29 is World Heart Day and we encourage you to do something good for your heart, physically and emotionally. Here’s a fun activity that focuses on heart health. Give yourself some ‘adulting points’ for a full Bingo!

B12, A, and E - Three Great Vitamins for Your Skin

Our bodies are in constant need of nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are constantly consumed by our body to help maintain this magnificent machine working. Some people diligently take a vitamin supplement while others rely on a cautiously laid out balanced diet to provide all the vitamins they need. Sometimes people do both.

Our skin also benefits from vitamin boosts. Yosep’s Vitamin Ampoule not only has our blend of Hydrating Plants Extract and Desensitizing Plants Extracts, it also has some very important vitamins that our skin needs to retain moisture, regenerate, and protect itself from environmental factors. 

Our Vitamin Ampoule has Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. These vitamins, applied directly to the skin, through this ampoule, provide a very important and usually much needed supplement.

  • Vitamin B12: Reduces inflammation. Improves balance, texture and moisture retention in the skin.

  • Vitamin A: Can regenerate UV damaged skin to some degree. It improves the natural functions of the skin and is especially suitable for the care of aging.

  • Vitamin E: Contains antioxidant properties and protects against oxidative stress.

It is not the same to eat foods high in these vitamins than to apply skin products specifically made with these vitamins. That said, because we are focusing on these ingredients, we want to make sure you can include these in your diet as well, here are some helpful images that have foods high in Vitamins B12, A, and E. Because Vitamin B12 is usually found in meat proteins, we have also included an image with foods high in B12 specifically made for a vegetarian diet. Incorporating vitamins through food is a great way to stay healthy. As always, please consult your primary care physician before making any big changes to your diet.

Organic or Conventional?

In the past decade or so, there has been a lot more talk about organic vs. conventional products. It seems as though we didn’t have to worry about much of that before, but it is an everyday choice now. So, what is the difference between organic and conventional?

Organic materials are harder to produce because they require using methods that are natural as opposed to man-made chemicals, fertilizers or growth hormones that make some crops easier and faster to produce. Organic farmers use methods such as:

  • Using non-gmo seed (gmo = genetically modified organism)

  • No use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or growth enhancers

  • Follow organic farming standards including crop rotations, ecological balance, and conservation of biodiversity

So, simply put, farming organic crops requires: 

  • more expensive seeds because they are heirloom or non-gmo, 

  • more work because instead of spraying a chemical weed killer that works to kill weeds and not gmo seed crops farmers must use specific natural weed removal, and 

  • more preparation because you will rotate crops to make sure your soil’s nutrients are naturally replenished. 

So, Why is Organic Important?

Your skin absorbs everything - EVERYTHING! YOSEP has sourced organic ingredients because we want your skin to be healthy. Using skin care products that were made with ingredients that were exposed to harsh chemicals will result in your skin absorbing the residue of those harmful chemicals. Your skin is the largest organ in your body - treat it with care, allow it to replenish, and make sure you are only using all natural ingredients. 

Guest Userorganic, skin care, non-gmo, health