Publicaciones etiquetadas kombucha
Kombucha Smoothie

Last week we listed some of the benefits of Kombucha, or Fermented Black Tea, one of the key ingredients in Yosep’s Intense Proteins Serum. If you watched the video and tried your hand at making Kombucha, now you can use it in a recipe! If you are feeling less adventurous or are simply busy because let’s face it, life is busy, you can buy Kombucha and use it in this delicious smoothie recipe. Not only does this smoothie recipe have Kombucha which is great for your skin, it also has pineapple. Pineapples contain Vitamin C, beta carotene, antioxidants, and a powerful enzyme - bromelain. All of these properties can help reduce wrinkles, improve overall skin texture, and minimize skin damage from sun and pollution exposure and stimulate collagen production.

Try this one out for a refreshing treat!

Recipe and Photo Source: @wellandfull and #wellandfull

Kombucha... Good for your skin, Good for your body

Last week we featured Yosep’s Intense Proteins Serum and talked a little about the ingredients in this wonderful product. This week we want to introduce you to some of the many benefits of Kombucha, one of the key ingredients of our Intense Proteins Serum. We use Kombucha, also referred to as Fermented Black Tea, in our Intense Proteins Serum because of its antioxidant properties and because it is rich in organic acids and B vitamins that help your skin become softer and more luminous. It helps promote a healthy skin biome leading to younger more refreshing looking skin.

Although Kombucha, or Fermented Black Tea, has been a health drink for thousands of years, it has gained popularity and become a topic of conversation in the past decade because of all the health benefits it offers. There are a plethora of sites explaining the benefits of Kombucha and some have been significantly studied. Here’s a list of some of the benefits Kombucha is said to have:

  • Improves your Gut Health

  • Helps Detoxify your Body

  • Boosts Energy

  • Is an Antioxidant

  • Helps with Join Care

  • Promotes Weight Loss

  • Provides Immune Support

Like any supplement or food, too much of anything can be bad. According to the Centers for Disease Control, four ounces of Kombucha can be safely consumed one to three times a day. Other sources say you can safely drink one to two 8-ounce (240-ml) servings per day. We recommend starting on the lower end and listening to your body, and as a word of caution with everything new or different, if you have preexisting health conditions, please consult with your primary care physician or specialist before trying this out.

Some people have taken on the task of brewing Kombucha at home. We’ve done that before and it ends up being an easy process that can save a lot of money if you plan on making this a regular drink at your home. You can also make the Kombucha with your preferred tea leaves and customize the flavor. If you want to learn how to brew your own Kombucha, check out the video below. Cheers!