Publicaciones etiquetadas november
Movember… What exactly is that?

As we near the end of a year, we want to reflect on a topic that sometimes falls between the cracks. Although there is a lot of awareness regarding women’s health and diseases particular to women like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, etc., conditions and diseases that are particular to men have long been addressed very quietly.

Our society is used to portraying men as strong and silent and frowning on anything that may indicate ‘weakness’. That is how their health was handled many times, and wrongly so. Being sick is not being weak. We put way too much pressure on ourselves and others for things that for the most part are out of our control.

Fortunately, through the years, we have learned how important it is for men to speak up about their health. Instead of seeing that as a sign of weakness, We applaud men for the awareness they bring to health problems faced by many but not addressed by some.

“Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide. The Movember Foundation runs the Movember charity event, housed at” 

Some places call it Movember, others No-Shave-November. Personally I see men loving this time of year because many of them love the change in facial hair. Some end up keeping the facial hair afterwards! 

YOSEP is not just about women and their skin care. Men need to take care of their skin as well. Many young men go through some rough years with acne. A good facial cleanser is a must for anyone. Most men enjoy having less wrinkles and less signs of aging. The same way that women take care of their skin, so should men. It is the largest organ in your body and requires attention and love. 

This month, head on over to Movember and read a little about men’s health and the amazing things Movember is doing to contribute to research!